Ram Navami and Lord Rama

Many a time people ask why Lord Rama
occupies the superior position among all the characters of 'The Ramayana'. It's true also.

Why people give so much importance to Lord Rama? I asked the same question to a saint to whom I know since long ago.

Keeping a smile on face the saint replied never, think that Lord Rama is  important for breaking the bow of Lord Shiva or killing Ravana. 

His superiority lies in His qualities that he displayed during Ramayana. Amid crisis, tough times, adverse conditions He never lost His temper, remains stable all the time .

This particular character makes Him Lord not His humbleness and sacrifices that He made. That is why people worship Him and try to follow His footprints.

 All the characters of The Ramayana is full of qualities and teach lessons to everyone. But, one such character to whom Lora Rama also liked and gave much importance is 'Sabri.'

 The story of Sabri is very unique and teaches a great lesson to the people of  the present world .
Sabri , a young girl belonged to a low caste or a tribal society called Bhil. 

As she reached, her young age her father decided to marry her .For marriage Sabri's father arranged many goats to feed the guests who was about to attend the ceremony .As Sabri came to know about the goats that his father had brought to sacrifice she ran away from  home to a forest called 'Dandkarnay wan. 'She used to sleep on the tree .She would sweep the road that led to the river before sun up for the saints that lived in the same jungle. Daily before sunrise she swept the road .

Anyhow ,a saint named Matang came to know about her auspicious job. The great saint invited her to his own cottage or ashrama and allowed her to live there. 

She even told that she belonged to a low caste still  the saint gave space in his ashram.

 Days rolled by the saint grew older and one day before taking the last breath the saint Matang called her and said Sabri Lord Rama will come to you one day and give you darshanm.

The words of saint Matang occupied space in the heart of Sabri. Everyday she used to go to forest to collect berries for Lord Rama and would taste them so that she could only offer the sweet one to the Lord Rama.With passage of time she turned old, hair turned grey ,teeth broken but there was no change in her patience.

And, the day came. Lord Rama came to her ashram without thinking about her caste because He loves true bakti.

What I mean to say here is the people of present time wants everything  in an instant. They want success instantly without keeping patience .I think Like Sabri, if people also work hard , have faith in their own dedicated efforts and keep patience then he or she will definitely achieve the goal in life.


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